With this background, the C16 Society was formed to provide a team effort for these three remaining C-16’s. The founding members believe that in forming this society we will provide the impetus for other like-minded individuals to become active supporters. We intend to raise funds through membership, donations, grants, and events. With a revenue stream, our Society will work with the conservators of these three C-16 locomotives to select from preferred contractors and vendors to repair, purchase or fabricate parts that will complete their restoration.
These three locomotive will be embraced as potential museum quality equipment and not glorified “Park Locomotives”. Indoor storage and routine matainance are the keys for a successful outcome.
Our vision is to build the funding necessary to properly maintain these locomotives into the future. Through these efforts we hope to educate both current and future generations about the significance of these three locomotives, ensure prevention from further deterioration, and facilitate their recognition in the historical community for the large contributions of the C-16 locomotive class they represent.
The C16 Society recognizes the efforts of all the restoration, museum and operational organizations which dedicate their time and monies for the efforts of the larger railroad preservation community. We intend to work with all creditable restoration entities although with the limited focus of the 3 remaining C-16 Locomotives.