Ron Schmidt (Honorary Founder):
Ronald Schmidt PhD was a visionary leader and a pioneer in the field of
intelligent LAN hubs. The company he cofounded became a leader in the industry.
Once retired his passion for model railroading was given the same vision and intelligence. SEE BELOW

Jimmy Booth: Jimmy is a principal owner of P-B-L, a major supplier of Sn3 locomotives and equipment.
He is a leading historian on D&RGW narrow gauge history and
serves on the board of several railroad related foundations and is involved in multiple restoration projects.
Jimmy built a live steam 2 ½” scale model of #223.

Bill Boller: Bill attended Stanford University and has BS/MS Mechanical Engineering and MBA degrees.
After retiring as a vice-president in high-tech, he served as President/CEO/Chairman and board member in
non-profits and museums involved in restoration and display of Armored Fighting Vehicles.
With his considerable personal shop, Bill has built and maintains extensive 2-1/2” scale, narrow gauge equipment.

Stephan Peck: Stephen has a BS/MS in engineering and extensive career background in the railroad industry.
He has worked for
short lines both steam and diesel managing the mechanical departments. He worked with commuter railroads
as a consulting engineer for acquisition of new equipment. He has been involved with several steam engine
restoration projects and with the current efforts on #268.

Leighton Moreland: Leighton has a degree in engineering and a PE working on projects in the Denver Metro
Area. He has been actively involved in Colorado
Railroad Preservation since 2010 and on the Steam Crew at the Colorado Railroad Museum since 2013.
Since 2010 Leighton is the primary caretaker for #268 at the Gunnison Pioneer Historical Society.

Ray Bjerrum: Now retired after an extensive career in the window manufacturing industry.
With his wife, they have a 2 ½” scale 7 ½” gauge railroad near Fresno which
includes 3 steam locomotives. Trains, especially narrow gauge, are his passion since he was 2 years old.
Ronald Schmidt: Ron was the inspiration to several of the founding members and it is only fitting
that he was elected an Honorary Founding Member. Ron was a hobbyist, historian, and supporter of numerous railroad
projects. His passion was focused mainly on narrow gauge equipment both scale and full size.
He was generous to both his fellow modelers and museum quality rebuilding projects like RGS 20.
Through the years his requirement to build equipment with all the accurate details inspired modelers
to achieve the highest level of quality. Ron passed away from advanced Parkinson’s Disease in 2022
just as the C16 Society was forming. His favorite engine was D&RGWRR #278.
Founders 2 1/2" C-16 Scale Locomotives